حسبینو > مقالات علمی : ?What is the purpose of human creation

?What is the purpose of human creation

What is the purpose of human creation?
  • فلسفه یا هدف خداوند از خلقت یا آفرینش انسان چیست؟ کلید سعادت چیست؟ کلید سعادت انسان چیست؟ خداوند برای انسان چه هدفی قرار داده است؟

in the name of God

This is what I think about all day and every night, I say why I am oblivious to the state of my heart

Where did I come from? What was the purpose of my coming? Where am I going in finally? Don’t show my homeland.

Knowing and learning a theorem in geometry, or law and theory in physics and chemistry is one thing, and believe and do it, is something else, for example, we know that smoking is harmful to health, but we still smoke!!

Therefore, theoretical science doesn’t include to human’s rescue. Perhaps it was proved to someone with different arguments that the square of the chord of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the two sides adjacent to the right angle, but he did not accept it; The rejection or acceptance of the Pythagorean theorem by this person does not affect the validity of this theorem, but the rejection deprives the person of the benefit of that right.

The philosophy or purpose of human creation becomes debatable when human is known that human is a creature that has an appearance similarity with most animals, including the commonalities between humans and animals, having eyes and ears, respiratory and digestive systems, muscles and bones, and hands and feet. , are visible, but there is something in the human being that other creatures on earth lack. In today’s era, when all kinds of human sciences have grown significantly, man still has nothing to say in front of the knowledge of fundamental facts. Man classifies the creatures on earth according to different rules, for example, he says: “Creatures on earth are either living or inanimate. “; Now, if we ask a person: “What is life?” He loses consciousness, does he have a mass? Is life the accumulation of electromagnetic waves? Is life made of electrons, protons, or neutrons? Can we see life? Or revealed it using MRI or CT scan devices? How can life be returned to an inanimate object?

If man is created by parents, how is it that they cannot revive a dead child? And they mourn his death. Why don’t they fill all the sciences in his memory at the very beginning of his birth? Why don’t they create the child in such a way that the child walks and talks from birth? Therefore, it is easily proven that human creation is not the work of parents; Because the creator must be aware of all aspects of the creation and have the necessary ability to create the creation and be able to meet all the needs of the creation. The creator must be aware of how to store information in the human brain, be aware of the structure and number of cells in each human organ, and be able to animate an inanimate body, none of which is within the power of parents.

On the other hand, all organisms can be divided into dependent and independent categories. A dependent entity is an entity that needs another entity or entities for its existence, but an independent entity does not need any other entity for its existence; The law of causality is true for all dependent beings; All that man sees with his eyes in this world is a collection of dependent beings; A tree needs water, soil, and sunlight for its existence, and sunlight needs the boiling and breaking of atoms to exist, and atoms need electrons, protons, and neutrons, and this vast volume of atoms with this amazing order must be produced by a being. He was created wise and powerful. All these rules and laws of physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics and philosophy that exist, and the only art of human being is to know and apply these laws, by what creature? It is narrated from the late Sheikh al-Raees Bu Ali Sina that he said: “Until my knowledge reaches the point where I know, I am ignorant.” Objects have been stealing each other for billions of years, and only by Newton in the 17th century did mankind discover the gravitational force of objects, but the question that arises and mankind is still unable to answer is why two objects steal each other?!! Can dependent creatures have established these detailed and complex rules and laws in the world?! This is an issue that has been falsely raised under the title of nature minus the creator, whose example was rejected regarding the creation of man by parents.

Well, if all I see are dependent beings, it is definitely necessary that there is at least one non-dependent being that this whole universe was created dependent on this greatness, that being is an independent being that does not need another being for its existence; Another name for an independent entity is Wajib al-Jujud. There is no assumption as to what its gender is, just as John’s gender is not known!! ; From the point of view of abstract reason, we can only understand that despite the existence of this world full of dependent beings, at least one independent or obligatory being is necessary, otherwise such a world would not exist!!

An independent entity has no limit and size, no time and space, he is the only true absolute infinity, he does not even have the second, that is, there cannot be two or more independent entities, if we assume that there are two independent entities, their infinity It is invalidated and contradicts the definition of an independent being, so the oneness of the obligatory existence is also proved; In Persian, we call him God or God. Therefore, man is also a creation of that incomparable creator.

Now if it is asked for what purpose God created man? This question has two aspects. First, what is the creator’s purpose in creating man? Second, what is the creator’s goal for man? First of all, it should be said that the Almighty God’s work is not to reach a goal, He is the goal; Even though perfection is absolute, it does not have a defect that wants to reach perfection through something; His work is not such that he needs a teacher, class, and school to learn something, or to build a school, hospital, and galaxy for reward, he is the owner of the property and the kingdom, he is constantly giving grace to the creatures; The merciful owner wants to do something in his property and prepares a party out of kindness and ability, not out of need, nor out of ambition, nor for reward; He does not have any goals for himself, he is pure rich, if all people become disbelievers, his lordship will not be affected in the slightest. But has the creator set a goal for man? Or what is the purpose of man as a creature? It is an important matter; Man is the best of God’s creations, all the heavens and the earth were created for man, the value of man depends on the goal he has chosen, and man’s goal must be superior to man himself; Acquiring prestigious positions, such as winning the Olympiad and Olympic competitions, or having billions in wealth, or obtaining political positions, or obtaining the highest scientific degrees and attaining master’s degrees, minus the main goal of man, has no value, whether it is rich and famous people who have reached vanity and They have committed suicide. There is no doubt that among the creatures on earth, no creature is superior to humans. Therefore, only one being can be the goal of man, and he is the Almighty God, this targeting does not mean that man becomes God, which is impossible, when God is the main goal of man, it means that all the thoughts, remembrances, and actions of man are aimed at obtaining the maximum pleasure of God. be; Like a guest who participates in the banquet of a just, merciful, all-knowing ruler, and this guest does not do anything against the host’s wishes, and may even serve the host by entertaining other guests and use his art in order to obtain the host’s satisfaction. God has given a lot of wealth to every human being, from the very beginning He made man His caliph on earth and said that He did not create man except for knowledge and worship. And he says again, He is the one who created life and death to test you with all kinds of events to see which one of you will do the best.

The rank of man is higher than Gabriel and lower than animal, and man is free to reach which rank; If he dominates his practical and theoretical reason over his sensual moods, over his anger and lusts, he becomes superior to the angels, and if he dominates his sensual moods over his intellect, he becomes less than an animal.

The key to happiness is to know what is our duty at any time and place, what is our duty towards God Almighty, what is our duty towards ourselves, towards our parents and family, towards teachers and classmates, towards students and children, towards We are responsible for the means and environment of our life and country and to do it in the best way with knowledge and awareness at the right time for the satisfaction of our creator and owner.

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